Current vacan­cies

For us, ever­y­thing revolves around the most important resource of mankind: water — BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT

Our market is constantly growing and so is our team.

Would you also like to become part of our team and work toge­ther with us on the conti­nuous impro­ve­ment of water quality? Unso­li­cited appli­ca­tions can also be submitted to us at any time and will be processed promptly.

We are looking forward to your application!

Stel­len­an­gebot als Konstruk­teur Elek­tro­technik (All genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Service­tech­niker (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Leitung Service (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Full Stack Webent­wickler (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Projekt­leiter (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Assis­tenz Projekt­ma­nage­ment (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Projekt­kal­ku­lator (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Meister oder Tech­niker im Metall­be­reich (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Meister/Techniker im Elek­tro­be­reich (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Elek­tro­niker (all genders welcome)
Stel­len­an­gebot als Schlosser (all genders welcome)

Frequently asked ques­tions about the application

Appli­ca­tions are welcome by email, by mail or directly via the online appli­ca­tion form.

Our e‑mail address for appli­ca­tions is:

Yes, they are gene­rally possible at any time. You are also welcome to apply if no suitable posi­tion is curr­ently adver­tised for you.

We regu­larly update our job adver­ti­se­ments so that all adver­tised posi­tions on our careers page are still vacant.

Try to tell us, how we can benefit from your expe­ri­ence and quali­fi­ca­tions — even if, for example, you have not completed the trai­ning required in the profile.

In our state-of-the-art Inno­va­ti­onLab, our employees learn ever­y­thing about water as well as various inte­gra­tive trai­ning courses on our core compe­tences of elec­trical engi­nee­ring, mecha­nical engi­nee­ring, process engi­nee­ring, digi­ta­li­sa­tion and standardisation.

We also offer a wide range of indi­vi­dual trai­ning measures and corre­spon­ding deve­lo­p­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties through specia­list career paths. Depen­ding on their career level, employees have an annual trai­ning budget which they can decide freely. The requi­re­ment is that the trai­ning must be appro­priate to the employee’s position.

In addi­tion, appro­xi­m­ately six times a year, employees do not work on the cons­truc­tion sites on the last Friday of the month. Instead, trai­ning sessions and employee meetings are held. In addi­tion, cons­truc­tion site employees can do in-house errands.

The water market is a very fast-growing market due to climate change. Ther­e­fore, Zahnen offers a secure job in a crisis-proof industry.

In addi­tion, you can find our nume­rous bene­fits here.

What we offer

We support our employees in secu­ring their reti­re­ment. For this purpose, we offer the possi­bi­lity of subsi­dised deferred compensation.

A joint company party streng­thens the team spirit and promotes commu­ni­ca­tion within the staff.
We ther­e­fore tradi­tio­nally hold our Christmas party on the last working day before the Christmas company holi­days. Every two years, the employees orga­nise a Zahnen Technik company outing.

In addi­tion to Christmas and holiday bonuses, there is a personal gift for each employee on birth­days and at Christmas.

The work-life balance and health of our employees is very important to us.
That’s why we offer a back fitness course once a week in the company during the winter months, when sport is some­times neglected.

With the life­time working time accounts, we have found a way to recon­cile the employees‘ wishes for a life-phase-oriented, flexible working time arran­ge­ment with opera­tional concerns. Depen­ding on their current life situa­tion, employees can save up working hours (regular remu­ne­ra­tion compon­ents, remai­ning leave, etc.) and also save up again (sabba­ti­cals, further trai­ning, etc.).

Flat hier­ar­chies are estab­lished in our company. This means that not every employee can have a manage­ment career, and at the same time not every employee wants to take on a manage­ment role. By intro­du­cing specia­list career paths, we offer employees a perspec­tive and alter­na­tive to a manage­ment career, because with incre­asing specia­list quali­fi­ca­tions, one can develop into an expert.
The specia­list career paths enable employees to develop their skills in line with requi­re­ments, promote their satis­fac­tion and streng­then their long-term loyalty to the company.

Depen­ding on their career level, employees have an annual trai­ning budget that they can decide freely. The prere­qui­site is that the further trai­ning fits the employee’s job.
In addi­tion, about six times a year, employees do not work on the cons­truc­tion sites on the last Friday of the month. Instead, trai­ning sessions and staff meetings take place. In addi­tion, cons­truc­tion site employees can do in-house errands.

Our employees receive new internet-capable devices, whether smart­phones, PCs or similar, at abso­lutely top condi­tions and out of their gross salary. This way, you save taxes and enjoy tech­nical comfort all in one.

The inter­na­tional orien­ta­tion of our company will increase signi­fi­cantly in the future. To better prepare ourselves for this, the company offers an English commu­ni­ca­tion lesson once a week in small groups for all inte­rested employees.

The company health insu­rance is a private supple­men­tary health insu­rance. It covers the extras that the statu­tory health insu­rance does not pay for. Various bene­fits for teeth, visual aids, preven­tive exami­na­tions, etc. can be claimed.

As a company concerned with resource conser­va­tion, we want to support and promote the shift to e‑mobility.
For example, our employees can use our own e‑charging stations at both of our loca­tions to „fill up on suns­hine“. Our e‑charging stations are „fuelled“ with „green“ solar power via photo­vol­taic systems on our roofs.

The Zahnen Technik Inno­va­ti­onLab not only serves as a place for crea­tive freedom, but also as an internal trai­ning and further educa­tion centre. It offers space in the quick and profes­sional induc­tion of new employees as well as the trai­ning of exis­ting employees. At the same time, we also make our premises available to schools, univer­si­ties or compa­nies asso­ciated in partnership.

Click here for the InnovationLab

We are looking forward to your application!

Your contact

Helena Nickels