Service by zahnen

Available — compe­tent — promt

In addi­tion to our compre­hen­sive range of classic plant engi­nee­ring and our high-quality product solu­tions, we also offer a wide range of services. Our compe­tent service team will support you by tele­phone or on site with exten­sions, adapt­a­tions and moder­niza­tions of your systems.

We also offer custo­mized service contracts and main­ten­ance agree­ments.

With us, you have a contact partner even beyond the cons­truc­tion phase.

Your Zahnen Technik-service team


Exten­sive service for an all-inclu­sive package

Are you plan­ning to expand, adapt or moder­nize your system? Then we will be happy to support you with consul­ting. Thanks to our decades of expe­ri­ence in plant engi­nee­ring, we will work with you to find the right solution.

Are you plan­ning to adapt or expand your control and regu­la­tion tech­no­logy? You can rely on the exper­tise of our auto­ma­tion experts.

We carry out a wide range of measures to restore the defect unit. This includes, for example, order manage­ment, fault analysis, prepa­ra­tion for repair, repair with subse­quent func­tional testing and accep­tance. Evalua­tion and docu­men­ta­tion are also carried out.

Our service port­folio also includes the testing of elec­trical systems and equip­ment in accordance with DGUV V3.

Our measures for the main­ten­ance of elec­trical compon­ents and systems include: drawing up a binding main­ten­ance plan, carrying out the main­ten­ance, func­tional testing, a visual inspec­tion of the external condi­tion and hydrau­lics and checking the opera­ting para­me­ters. In addi­tion, any tests or measu­re­ments required in connec­tion with main­ten­ance are carried out.

Would you like to have an over­view of your systems on your mobile device or desktop? We have the solu­tion. With our Control Cloud by zahnen, systems can be moni­tored intel­li­gently thanks to AI support. If any abnor­ma­li­ties occur, you are warned at an early stage.

Do you need spare parts, wear parts or addi­tional equip­ment for your tech­nical systems? You can purchase a wide range of compon­ents directly from us.

Benefit from our digital exper­tise: our online plat­form ISO by zahnen is the digital support for your engi­nee­ring. Our digital employees have expe­ri­ence from over 500 successful projects.

Your bene­fits at a glance

What makes our service so special

Solu­tion oriented

We offer fast and quali­fied problem solu­tions to maxi­mise the uptime of your systems.

Service around the clock

We know that problems can happen at any time. That’s why we offer our custo­mers a 24/7 standby service.

Perfectly opti­mized processes

We offer opti­mised processes so that we can support our custo­mers quickly and effectively.


We offer highly quali­fied employees by conti­nuously inves­ting in trai­ning and ongoing education.


We offer indi­vi­dual, perso­na­lised and high quality consul­ting for our customers.


We offer commu­ni­ca­tion across various chan­nels so that custo­mers can choose the most conve­nient and easiest way.

From a single source

In Zahnen Water Engi­nee­ring Perfor­mance, we holi­sti­cally combine all our know-how from the last decades for our customers.

Through to our 5 core compe­tences, our custo­mers reveive ever­y­thing from a single source:

  • Elec­trical engineering
  • Mecha­nical engineering
  • Process engi­nee­ring
  • Stan­dar­di­s­a­tion
  • Digi­ta­li­sa­tion

We are not satis­fied until you are

Our goal at Zahnen Technik is to offer our custo­mers not only high quality solu­tions and products, but also excel­lent customer service.

We are proud to have a dedi­cated, highly moti­vated and expe­ri­enced service team that is charac­te­rised by decades of expe­ri­ence in plant engi­nee­ring and keeps its skills up to date with the latest tech­no­logy through conti­nuous trai­ning.

The choice is yours — the perfect solu­tion for every requirement

Are you inte­rested in a service or main­ten­ance contract? Please do not hesi­tate to contact us.
Service around the clock