
We can carry out projects invol­ving elec­trical pumps or machines at any time. No matter whether it is a quick call or on-site assis­tance in case of malfunc­tions or the prompt deli­very and instal­la­tion of spare parts.

Our team of specia­lists is available for our custo­mers. Even after the comple­tion of joint projects in plant engi­nee­ring. With us, you have a contact person even beyond the cons­truc­tion phase.

We are at your disposal for service, main­ten­ance, and repair with our decades of expe­ri­ence.

Armin Thelen is your contact for ever­y­thing related to service by zahnen.

With more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the industry, he has acquired a wide range of exper­tise. His advanced trai­ning as a pump tech­ni­cian makes him the tech­nical expert when it comes to the follo­wing issues:

How can pump malfunc­tions be avoided?
How can incor­rectly desi­gned pumps be iden­ti­fied and replaced? 

His tech­nical trai­ning enables him to bring toge­ther the requi­re­ments of the manu­fac­turer, the plant and the customer and ensure that the complex pump system operates at optimum performance.

Common problems, such as clogs caused by wet wipes, can be avoided by preven­tive main­ten­ance or moni­to­ring of the equip­ment.

Armin Thelen — Head of Service and Maintenance

For ques­tions about service contracts or in urgent emer­gen­cies, please contact us using the follo­wing contact details:

Tech­nical emer­gency hotline:


By using our WhatsApp service, you agree that you have read our privacy infor­ma­tion. You can view or down­load the privacy infor­ma­tion at any time.

Measures to deter­mine and evaluate the actual condi­tion of a unit, inclu­ding the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of causes of wear and the deri­va­tion of neces­sary conse­quences for future use.

Inspec­tion measures may include:

  • Crea­tion of a binding inspec­tion plan

  • Prepa­ra­tion of the inspec­tion inclu­ding neces­sary protec­tive measures

  • Carrying out the inspec­tion. Mainly the deter­mi­na­tion of certain charac­te­ristic values by testing, measu­ring, checking

  • Presen­ta­tion and evalua­tion of the results

  • Failure analysis

  • Plan­ning in the sense of iden­ti­fying and evalua­ting alter­na­tive solu­tions, conside­ring opera­tional and non-opera­tional requirements

  • Feed­back

Measures to moder­nise or expand exis­ting plants and equip­ment (usually older and no longer in produc­tion). In the case of exis­ting plants, retro­fit­ting often makes more sense than repla­cing them with new cons­truc­tions. By repla­cing outdated compon­ents and instal­ling the latest tech­no­lo­gies, exis­ting plants are brought back up to date.
  • Repla­ce­ment of compon­ents for which spare parts are no longer available

  • Retro­fit­ting of auto­ma­tion technology

  • Adapt­a­tions for the inte­gra­tion of machines or subsys­tems into produc­tion plants

  • Instal­la­tion of sensors and digi­ta­li­sa­tion for the reali­sa­tion of Industry 4.0

  • Einbau von Sensoren und Digi­ta­li­sie­rung zur Reali­sie­rung von Indus­trie 4.0

Measures to delay the deple­tion of the exis­ting wear stock. The main­ten­ance measures may include:
  • Crea­tion of a binding main­ten­ance plan

  • Prepa­ra­tion of main­ten­ance, inclu­ding neces­sary protec­tive measures

  • Carrying out main­ten­ance (e. g. read­jus­t­ment, repla­ce­ment and substi­tu­tion of opera­ting mate­rials and supplies, reple­nish­ment, lubri­ca­tion, preser­va­tion, clea­ning — as far as function-preserving)

  • Func­tional test

  • Feed­back

  • Visual inspec­tion of external condition

  • Visual inspec­tion of the hydraulics

  • Visual inspec­tion of the func­tion and move­ment of fittings

  • Checking the opera­ting para­me­ters (current consump­tion, flow rate…)

Tests or measu­re­ments required in connec­tion with main­ten­ance are also performed.

Physical measure performed to restore the func­tion of a defec­tive unit. Repair measures may include in particular:
  • Order manage­ment

  • Failure analysis

  • Plan­ning

  • Prepa­ra­tion of the repair inclu­ding prepa­ra­tory measures

  • Execu­tion (e. g. replacement)

  • Func­tional testing and approval

  • Evalua­tion and docu­men­ta­tion. Tests or measu­re­ments required in connec­tion with the repair are also carried out.

For ques­tions about service contracts or in urgent emer­gen­cies, please contact us using the follo­wing contact details:

Tech­nical emer­gency hotline: