The intel­li­gent and future-proof control and alarm system for your waste­water and sewage treat­ment plants

Our Control Cloud is more than just a process control system. It is an alarm and control system tail­ored to your indi­vi­dual needs with the aim of moder­ni­sa­tion he opera­tional relia­bi­lity of your plant. Today, we can already detect problems with the help of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, rectify them quickly and as a result avoid major down­times and costs. Due to the high flexi­bi­lity and maximum scala­bi­lity, you can tailor your control system toge­ther with us.

digital. reliable. cost-saving.

Acting instead of reacting

Is there a possible risk of pump clogging?
When is the next rain­fall expected?
Where can I save energy today?
Are all systems working properly?

Zahnen Control Cloud — your plant perfectly under control

Request your demo access now!

Are you inte­rested in the Zahnen Control Cloud?
Then request your demo access now!

Rely on digital intel­li­gence with the Water Manager

„Hello, I’m Water Manager. I give you an over­view of your systems on your mobile device or desktop. Thanks to arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, I also reco­g­nise abnor­ma­li­ties so that I can issue an early warning. This prevents damage. Follo­wing the motto: act instead of react. But that’s not all.…”

Your advan­tages in a nutshell

The advan­tages for you as an operator of a waste­water or water manage­ment plant

  • Secu­rity through backups, docu­men­ta­tion and ongoing updates via Zahnen Control Cloud

  • Real-time failure infor­ma­tion and as a result rapid response capability

  • Resource-saving through outsour­cing of the IT infrastructure

  • From manual to digital data acquisition

  • Complete over­view of the plant opera­tion from anywhere in the world, with any mobile device

  • Active aler­ting in case of malfunc­tion messages

  • Imme­diate contact possi­bi­lity to Zahnen service team

  • No depen­dence on IT service provider — quick change possible

  • Unli­mited expan­da­bility due to high inter­face compatibility

  • Freely scalable from moni­to­ring to active control of systems

  • AI ready — inte­gra­tion of future arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence solu­tions to increase perfor­mance and opera­tional reliability

  • Connec­ting of all internal and external structures

  • If required, inte­gra­tion of all small sewage treat­ment plants

  • Connec­ting with the entire Zahnen Water Engi­nee­ring expert network

  • Legally compliant docu­men­ta­tion of opera­tional data

  • Access to legal texts and compli­ance with legal requirements

  • Fast trai­ning time due to customer-oriented user interface

  • Easy assign­ment of rights for diffe­rent users

  • Access to profes­sional trai­ning mate­rial from the Zahnen Academy

Simpli­fying and impro­ving work thanks to arti­fi­cial intelligence

Learn more about our AI features and benefit from the exten­sive functions

We offer you ever­y­thing from a single source

Are you inte­rested in our services and products for your project?

Your contact: Karsten Freichel