The Team behind Zahnen Technik GmbH

Since 2010, the right to access clean drin­king water and sani­ta­tion is a reco­g­nised human right. Clean water is the basic requi­re­ment for all our lives.

Main­tai­ning and constantly impro­ving the quality of water is a respon­sible task that we face in every way, because ever­yone has the right to clean water. As freshwater resources become incre­asingly scarce, we are also focu­sing on conser­ving water resources. At the same time, we do not lose sight of the protec­tion and sustainable use of other resources.

Holger Pentz, Herbert Zahnen, Katrin Bretz, Bene­dikt Ney, Peter Wirtz (from left to right)

The Manage­ment Team

Herbert Zahnen

Mana­ging Director

+49 6550 9290–0
+49 6550 9290–129

“I am parti­cu­larly proud of the 130-member Zahnen Technik team.

Every day, the team takes on the respon­sible task of constantly impro­ving water quality — and does so with great passion.

We have comple­tely digi­ta­lised the expert know­ledge of our employees and our expe­ri­ence and are thus prepared for the chal­lenges of the future.”

Peter Wirtz

Mana­ging Director Project Manage­ment & Procurator

+49 6550 9290–114
+49 6550 9290–129

Our project manage­ment, the heart of Zahnen Technik, is the respon­si­bi­lity of Peter Wirtz. Project manage­ment includes the hand­ling of several 100 refe­rence waste­water treat­ment plants on an inter­na­tional level.

Without his many years of exper­tise in this field, our deve­lo­p­ment steps in the past would not have been possible.

Our many years of expe­ri­ence in project manage­ment have resulted in our Water Engi­nee­ring Perfor­mance, with which we accom­pany our custo­mers natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally. With great ambi­tion we drive the compli­ance of our processes in conti­nuous exch­ange with the complete project management.

After more than 20 years with the company, we don´t want to work without his enormous expert knowledge.

Bene­dikt Ney

Busi­ness Manager Engi­nee­ring & Procurator

+49 6550 9290–105
+49 6550 9290–129

Bene­dikt Ney was the first graduate of a dual study program at Zahnen Technik GmbH. During his dual bachelor’s degree in elec­trical engi­nee­ring and follo­wing master’s degree in tech­nical manage­ment, he got to know the company in all its facets. Today, as the head of engi­nee­ring, he is respon­sible for all tech­no­lo­gical issues in the company.

Through his passion for stan­dar­di­s­a­tion, digi­ta­li­sa­tion and inno­va­tive approa­ches to conti­nuously improve water quality, he is the pioneer of today’s flag­ship engi­nee­ring of Zahnen Technik GmbH as well as the leader of the deve­lo­p­ments for our solu­tions ISO by zahnen, Control Cloud by zahnen and Pure Water by zahnen.

Holger Pentz

Busi­ness Manager Finance & Procurator

+49 6550 9290–0
+49 6550 9290–129

Found his way to Zahnen Technik via a stock listed company.

For him, the company combines many posi­tive aspects:

In addi­tion to the scenic beauty of the Eifel, the region offers a basic supply of ever­y­thing that is important. He can opti­mally contri­bute his many years of expe­ri­ence in the areas of human resources and finance and have a signi­fi­cant influence on the growth and further deve­lo­p­ment of the company.

Sie sehen ein fot
Katrin Bretz

Busi­ness Manager Stra­tegy & Resources

+49 6550 9290–0
+49 6550 9290–129

The young busi­ness psycho­lo­gist (B.Sc.) joined the manage­ment team in October 2022 in the Stra­tegy & Resources department.

Back in the Eifel region after working in the Pala­ti­nate, Katrin Bretz considered Zahnen Technik as an employer in 2020. She appre­ciates the family-run company, the friendly rela­ti­onship between employees and the shared passion for the vision of ‘clean water for all’.

Through her future-orien­tated work, she is respon­sible for marke­ting, service, HR and IT, among other things, and drives the company forward strategically.