
With the imple­men­ta­tion of the Inno­va­ti­onLab, we want to provide the customer with the grea­test benefit. This works best if the employees are trained in the best possible way — and not just in their specia­list field, but across the board and for our vision: clean water for all!

Immerse yourself in the virtual 3D world of our InnovationLab

The water market

The chall­enge of water — water is the world’s most important resource
The water sector in Europe as well as world­wide is facing signi­fi­cant challenges
Waste­water treat­ment plants are not desi­gned for the upco­ming problems or have reached the limit of their capacity

Market leader­ship in apprenticeship

  • Market-leading trainer in water treatment

  • Outstan­ding trai­ning rate of over 25%

  • Further increase in our trai­ning results by dove­tailing theory and practice

The Zahnen Academy


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Meaningful work

  • Water creates quality of life. This is our claim and our moti­va­tion. Thus, the preser­va­tion and conti­nuous impro­ve­ment of water quality are respon­sible tasks that the team of Zahnen Technik faces every day.

  • The “meaningful­ness of work” is beco­ming more and more important for the individual.

  • We focus the view on super­or­di­nate goals and whereby more sense for the acti­vi­ties and thus an increase of the moti­va­tion is reached.

Sustainable Deve­lo­p­ment Goals

The UN dedi­cates several goals to deve­lo­p­ment aid in connec­tion with the topic of water. Some of them also concern the work of Zahnen Technik:







We invest in our future -
the Inno­va­ti­onLab by zahnen

In our Inno­va­ti­onLab by Zahnen, we aim to provide inte­gra­tive trai­ning in our five core competences.

With our holi­stic approach “Zahnen Water Engi­nee­ring Perfor­mance”, we focus our know-how on:

  • Elec­trical Engineering

  • Mecha­nical engineering

  • Process engi­nee­ring or process and envi­ron­mental engineering

  • Stan­dar­di­s­a­tion

  • and digi­ta­li­sa­tion

We transfer these core compe­tences to our Inno­va­ti­onLab. Here, the various neces­sary manual acti­vi­ties should be able to be practiced.

To link these indi­vi­dual areas of compe­tence or core compe­tences, we recreate a model of a waste­water treat­ment plant. The core compe­tences are taught in an inte­gra­tive approach. This gives an inside view into process engi­nee­ring design, labo­ra­tory work, digi­ti­sa­tion and stan­dar­di­s­a­tion of global water-specific customer requirements.

“Zahnen-specific” compe­ten­cies are trained in the Inno­va­ti­onLab along­side the main quali­fi­ca­tions acquired in trai­ning and studies. Here, we rely on the prac­tical and expe­ri­en­tial rele­vance of our employees, who act as lectu­rers in the Inno­va­ti­onLab and pass on their knowledge.

Part of the Inno­va­ti­onLab is a fully equipped labo­ra­tory for water analysis, in which many classic waste­water para­me­ters can be deter­mined. Here, our employees can learn important labo­ra­tory acti­vi­ties in prac­tical exer­cises. Our Rese­arch & Deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment can also quickly and easily analyse water samples them­selves. This enables us to opti­mise processes and develop new products to their market matu­rity more quickly. We can adjust exis­ting products precisely to our custo­mers’ requi­re­ments before they are installed.

Target Group

National and inter­na­tional interns

A sustainable human resources policy makes it neces­sary to give other stake­hol­ders access to our corpo­rate policy.


School students can gain theo­re­tical insights into water issues in work­shops. Groups of school­children can deepen the know­ledge they have learned at school about the water cycle using various models.

Inter­na­tional exch­ange of experience

In exch­anges, we can train people from other count­ries. The added value can thus be deve­loped in the respec­tive country and we can inte­grate these specia­lists as part­ners for future projects.


Our appren­tices learn across disci­plines and beyond their learned profes­sion. In addi­tion to broa­de­ning their know­ledge, we are expan­ding their view of higher-level goals. Our appren­tices are opti­mally prepared with the most important basics for the opera­tive busi­ness on the cons­truc­tion site, at the work­shop or the office.

New employees

Our new employees receive a quick and profes­sional intro­duc­tion to water issues and our core competences.

Further trai­ning for all employees

All employees deepen and broaden their know­ledge with a trai­ning as “Aqua­tronic by zahnen”. It also offers the oppor­tu­nity to think outside the box and create scope for inno­va­tive approaches.