Pure Water by zahnen

Pure Water – that’s precisely our goal.

With the deve­lo­p­ment of various solu­tions, we want to get closer to this vision step by step. The tech­no­logy of the various Pure Water by zahnen processes is installed in a stan­dard ship­ping container. Our mobile solu­tions are highly flexible and can ther­e­fore be easily retro­fitted to any waste­water treat­ment plant.

Are you inte­rested in our services and products for your project? Then contact us now!

Bene­fits of Pure Water by zahnen

The bene­fits for you as an operator of a waste­water or water manage­ment plant

  • Flexible basic design and various process engi­nee­ring combi­na­tions enable quick adapt­a­tion and conver­sion of the solu­tion (plug & play)
  • The modular container solu­tion can be linked to the Control Cloud by zahnen, so the data is always available and evaluable
  • Container solu­tion (= stan­dard sea container) can be used world­wide with low trans­port costs –the final commis­sio­ning is held at the place of use
  • If neces­sary, our container solu­tion could be offered as a rental or leasing model. This is an oppor­tu­nity, espe­ci­ally for public clients, to use Pure Water by zahnen without high risks and invest­ments and to have news-effec­tive flag­ship projects

Solu­tion approa­ches Pure Water by zahnen

Range of application

Due to its modu­la­rity, the Pure Water by zahnen solu­tion can be used wherever the conta­mi­na­tion begins, depen­ding on how polluted the water is:

Indus­trial and muni­cipal waste­water treat­ment plants
Road drai­nage
Recy­cling centres and disposal business
Water treat­ment up to drin­king water quality in count­ries with water scarcity
Pre-clea­ning of desa­li­na­tion plants
Are you inte­rested in our services and products for your project?

Your contact: Dr. Jan Hennigs