Pure Water by zahnen
Pure Water – that’s precisely our goal.
With the development of various solutions, we want to get closer to this vision step by step. The technology of the various Pure Water by zahnen processes is installed in a standard shipping container. Our mobile solutions are highly flexible and can therefore be easily retrofitted to any wastewater treatment plant.
Benefits of Pure Water by zahnen
The benefits for you as an operator of a wastewater or water management plant
Solution approaches Pure Water by zahnen
Trace substance elimination
Pure Water by zahnenSE is the elimination of trace substances (residues of drugs, X‑ray contrast agents, etc.). Because conventional sewage treatment plants have not been able to completely degrade them yet. This endangers not only our surface waters, but also groundwater and drinking water.
Benefits of Pure Water by zahnenSE at a glance
Phosphor removal
Phosphorus can be removed from wastewater with the help of Pure Water by zahnen PKOMPAKT.
Benefits of Pure Water by zahnen PKOMPAKT at a glance
Microplastic particles
With Pure Water by zahnenMP, microplastic particles can be removed completely and without residue – without any additional filter technology.
Benefits of Pure Water by zahnenMP at a glance
Pure Water by zahnenPSM: Furthermore, we are developing a mobile system for the decontamination of rinsing water contaminated with pesticides from agricultural equipment. First results are expected soon.
Range of application
Due to its modularity, the Pure Water by zahnen solution can be used wherever the contamination begins, depending on how polluted the water is:
Hospitals |
Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants |
Road drainage |
Recycling centres and disposal business |
Water treatment up to drinking water quality in countries with water scarcity |
Pre-cleaning of desalination plants |
Your contact: Dr. Jan Hennigs