
Infor­ma­tion accor­ding to § 5 TMG:

Zahnen Technik GmbH
Bahn­hofstr. 24
54687 Arzfeld

Tele­phone: +49 (0)6550 / 9290–0
Fax: +49 (0)6550 / 9290–129

Mana­ging Director: Herbert Zahnen

Ust.Id-Nummer: DE 178 028 563, BE 0870 620 629, LU 196 941 73
HRB: NR. 31983, Amts­ge­richt Wittlich

Concept, design, programming:

Geffroy GmbH
Großen­baumer Weg 5
40472 Düsseldorf


Liabi­lity for contents

As a service provider, we are respon­sible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general legis­la­tion pursuant to Section 7 (1) of the German Tele­media Act (TMG). However, accor­ding to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are not obliged as a service provider to monitor trans­mitted or stored third-party infor­ma­tion or to inves­ti­gate circum­s­tances that indi­cate illegal acti­vity. Obli­ga­tions to remove or block the use of infor­ma­tion in accordance with general laws remain unaf­fected by this. However, liabi­lity in this regard is only possible from the point in time at which a concrete infrin­ge­ment of the law becomes known. If we become aware of corre­spon­ding infrin­ge­ments, we will remove this content immediately.

Liabi­lity for links

Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. Ther­e­fore, we cannot assume any liabi­lity for these external contents. The respec­tive provider or operator of the pages is always respon­sible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal viola­tions at the time of linking. Illegal contents were not reco­g­nisable at the time of linking. However, perma­nent moni­to­ring of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete indi­ca­tions of a legal viola­tion. If we become aware of any infrin­ge­ments of the law, we will remove such links immediately.


The content and works created by the site opera­tors on these pages are subject to German copy­right law. Dupli­ca­tion, proces­sing, distri­bu­tion and any kind of explo­ita­tion outside the limits of copy­right law require the written consent of the respec­tive author or creator. Down­loads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commer­cial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copy­rights of third parties are respected. In parti­cular, third-party content is marked as such. Should you nevert­heless become aware of a copy­right infrin­ge­ment, please inform us accor­dingly. If we become aware of any infrin­ge­ments, we will remove such content immediately.

Adver­ti­sing contradiction

Objec­tion to adver­ti­sing e‑mails

The use of contact data published within the frame­work of the imprint obli­ga­tion to send adver­ti­sing and infor­ma­tion mate­rial not expressly requested is hereby prohi­bited. The opera­tors of the pages expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unso­li­cited sending of adver­ti­sing infor­ma­tion, for example by spam e‑mails.

Image sources

Pictures of the Zahnen Technik staff: © Kathrin Kläsges Fotografie

The other pictures were purchased from:


We welcome people of all genders, natio­na­li­ties, reli­gions and ages. To improve reada­bility, the mascu­line form is used on this website. However, corre­spon­ding terms are addressed equally and regard­less of the wording to women, men and diverse persons.