Plant manu­fac­tu­ring

Zahnen Technik company is a popular solu­tion provider for chal­lenges and ques­tions regar­ding water treat­ment related topics. With coun­table realised complex plant cons­truc­tion projects, we have made it our goal to keep the quality of the water and to improve it constantly.

With “Zahnen Water Engi­nee­ring Perfor­mance” we combine our know-how in elec­trical, mecha­nical and process engi­nee­ring, stan­dar­di­s­a­tion and digi­ta­li­sa­tion. Within that we support our custo­mers in opti­mi­sa­tion and moder­ni­sa­tion of exis­ting water and waste­water treat­ment plants, as well as in the cons­truc­tion of new ones.


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New cons­truc­tion of a waste­water treat­ment plant in Plütscheid