The digi­ta­li­sa­tion of your waste­water treat­ment plant

Our online plat­form ISO by zahnen (Indi­vi­dual Stan­dard Opti­mi­sa­tion) is used to digi­tally imple­ment tech­nical stan­dards and gene­rate high-quality engi­nee­ring docu­ments for submis­sions or plant cons­truc­tion. Through digital provi­sion, this stan­dard can be used consis­t­ently throug­hout the entire course of the project for diffe­rent user groups (plant operator — engi­nee­ring office — plant cons­tructor). At the same time, libra­ries of Zahnen Technik GmbH, in which Zahnen’s decades of expe­ri­ence in plant cons­truc­tion are digi­ta­lised, can be used. This enables compa­nies from outside the sector, for example, to plan high-quality water and waste­water treat­ment plants. In addi­tion, own custo­mised stan­dards and libra­ries can be deve­loped, digi­ta­lised and imple­mented accor­ding to customer requirements.

Indi­vi­dual Stan­dard Optimisation

Get started with your digital employees — specia­lised to your requirements

At Zahnen Technik we have digi­ta­lised all our know­ledge and the expe­ri­ence of our experts in the fields of process engi­nee­ring, mecha­nical engi­nee­ring and elec­trical engi­nee­ring. From this emerged our plat­form ISO by Zahnen. This means that each of our digital employees has an expe­ri­ence of over 500 successful water and waste­water treat­ment projects with count­less successful engi­nee­ring hours.

In times of a shortage of skilled staff, incre­asing effi­ci­ency in engi­nee­ring is more important than ever. A new digital employee from ISO by zahnen will support you and your employees to signi­fi­cantly reduce your workload through auto­mated docu­ment gene­ra­ting. Thus, you can profi­tably invest the newly gained capa­ci­ties in new tasks and growth.

We have the right digital expert for every appli­ca­tion. These are intro­duced below:

All digital employees have the digi­ta­lised know­ledge of zahnen (Know­ledge as a service), but can be speci­ally adapted to your requi­re­ments by digi­ta­li­sing your know­ledge (Consul­ting by zahnen)

Water Pioneer

“Hello, I am Water Pioneer. I provide you with compre­hen­sive support in all areas from preplan­ning to the submis­sion process. You benefit from my exten­sive know­ledge in the field of water tech­no­logy. I can fully apply my skills to new cons­truc­tion as well as the moder­ni­sa­tion of exis­ting water and waste­water treat­ment plants.”

Water Engi­neer

“Hello I am Water Engi­neer. I provide you with exten­sive support in the cons­truc­tion of water faci­li­ties in ever­y­thing in the field of engi­nee­ring. You will benefit from my exten­sive exper­tise from the deve­lo­p­ment and cons­truc­tion up to the accep­tance and final docu­men­ta­tion of the plants.”

Water Intel­li­gence

“Hello, my name is Water Intel­li­gence. I am your supporter throug­hout the entire project process for water and waste­water treat­ment plants. I provide ever­y­thing to plan and execute a project comple­tely from preplan­ning to acceptance.
I can provide all the services of my two colle­agues Water Pioneer and Water Engineer.”

More perfor­mance through digital support in your engineering

All digital employees have the digi­ta­lised know­ledge of zahnen (Know­ledge as a service), but can be speci­ally adapted to your requi­re­ments by digi­ta­li­sing your know­ledge (Consul­ting by zahnen).

Don’t do without your digital employee in the team any longer and let us start the induc­tion of your indi­vi­dual ISO by zahnen employee!

These are the most important ques­tions from our customers!

  • In our context, ISO stands for “Indi­vi­dual Stan­dard Optimisation”.
  • Indi­vi­dual and stan­dard are not contra­dic­tory, as we define, stan­dar­dise, digi­ta­lise and auto­mate the indi­vi­dual stan­dard of each customer.
  • Our digi­tised know­ledge can be used as a basis for this.
  • Despite the stan­dar­di­s­a­tion, the desired flexi­bi­lity is always guaranteed.

ISO by zahnen is inte­res­ting for inter­na­tional plant manu­fac­tu­rers, engi­nee­ring offices, mecha­nical engi­neers, general contrac­tors and plant opera­tors in the water industry and all other compa­nies that do not want to do without digital, auto­mated support in their engineering.

  • The data from process/procedural preli­mi­nary plan­ning can be used directly in the ISO plat­form via an interface.
  • Own stan­dards are deve­loped and digi­tally mapped. Or the engi­nee­ring offices can use the digi­ta­lised know­ledge of Zahnen Technik (Know­ledge as a Service).
  • Enormous time savings with simul­ta­neous increase in quality.
  • Auto­mated crea­tion of various pre-plan­ning docu­ments such as the bill of quan­ti­ties (FIDIC Red Book) and the R&I scheme.
  • Advan­tages of crea­ting FIDIC Red Book tenders: 
    • More precise speci­fi­ca­tions are passed on to plant engineers.
    • It leads to increased quality & higher compa­ra­bi­lity of tenders.
    • It allows more parti­ci­pants in tenders.
    • It makes the parti­ci­pa­tion of regional compa­nies possible.
  • The gene­ra­tion can be done in any language.
  • It reduces inter­face and trans­mis­sion errors, both intern­ally and with other compa­nies involved (“single source of truth”).
  • It auto­ma­ti­cally gene­rates elec­tro­tech­nical docu­ments without exten­sive elec­tro­tech­nical knowledge.
  • ISO by zahnen contains the complete digital elec­tro­tech­nical know-how of Zahnen Technik (Know­ledge as a Service).
  • It auto­ma­ti­cally gene­rates elec­tro­tech­nical docu­ments (e.g. circuit diagrams) without exten­sive elec­tro­tech­nical knowledge.
  • Opti­mi­sa­tion of sales through the auto­mated crea­tion of high-quality, consis­tent, multi­l­in­gual quota­tions. Due to the digi­tised know­ledge on the plat­form, less tech­nical know­ledge is suffi­cient for this. As a result, consider­ably more order volume per sales­person is achieved.
  • No more commu­ni­ca­tion problems due to the connec­tion of inter­na­tional employees and part­ners on a multi­l­in­gual plat­form (“single source of truth”)
  • Bene­fits from produ­cing high quality docu­men­ta­tion as a basis for subcontracting: 
    • More poten­tial subcontractors
    • Cost reduc­tion
    • Clear speci­fi­ca­tions
    • Greater flexi­bi­lity
    • Higher quality and consis­tency of results
  • Own stan­dards are deve­loped and digi­tally mapped. Alter­na­tively, the general contrac­tors can use the digi­ta­lised know­ledge of Zahnen Technik (Know­ledge as a Service).
  • The stan­dards are passed on to engi­nee­ring firms and plant cons­truc­tors -> This means that ever­yone speaks the same language.
  • The preli­mi­nary plan­ning can be seam­lessly passed on to subcon­trac­tors (e.g. plant constructors). 
    • This reduces inter­face and trans­mis­sion errors
    • A higher level of stan­dar­di­s­a­tion / reco­gni­tion is achieved.
    • Project runtimes and costs are reduced
    • Auto­mated crea­tion of various pre-plan­ning docu­ments such as speci­fi­ca­tions (FIDIC Red Book) and P&I scheme
    • Advan­tages of crea­ting FIDIC Red Book tenders:
    • More precise speci­fi­ca­tions are passed on to plant engineers.
    • It leads to increased quality & higher compa­ra­bi­lity of tenders.
    • It allows more parti­ci­pants in tenders.
    • It makes the parti­ci­pa­tion of regional compa­nies possible.
  • Parts of the detail engi­nee­ring can be taken over by the company itself.
  • Own stan­dards are deve­loped and digi­tally mapped. Alter­na­tively, plant opera­tors can draw on the digi­ta­lised know­ledge of Zahnen Technik (Know­ledge as a Service).
  • The stan­dards are passed on to engi­nee­ring offices and plant cons­truc­tors -> This means that ever­yone speaks the same language.
  • Inter­face and trans­mis­sion errors are avoided.
  • Project runtimes and costs are reduced.
  • A higher level of opera­tional safety is achieved.
  • A higher stan­dar­di­s­a­tion / reco­gni­tion value of the plants is achieved -> this simpli­fies the opera­tion and main­ten­ance of the plant.
  • It supports FIDIC Red Book tenders, so that the plants built later corre­spond exactly to the wishes and speci­fi­ca­tions of the plant operator.
  • Parts of the plan­ning can be taken over by the operator.
  • It is the digital answer to the shortage of skilled workers.
  • It supports custo­mers with the exten­sive digi­ta­lised know­ledge of Zahnen Technik from the plant engi­nee­ring sector that has been coll­ected over decades.
  • It auto­mates the crea­tion of compre­hen­sive and high-quality engi­nee­ring documents.
  • It combines an incom­pa­rable range of engi­nee­ring docu­ments from the fields of process engi­nee­ring, elec­trical engi­nee­ring and mecha­nical engi­nee­ring in one platform.
  • It reduces inter­face and trans­mis­sion errors.
  • It offers an enormous variety of languages, which can be flexibly extended.
  • ISO is more than a plat­form — ISO is a way of working and means the funda­mental opti­mi­sa­tion of internal and external processes and interfaces 
    • Quality manage­ment is improved due to the opti­mised processes.
  • You can request your personal test account at

How it works …

3 steps to imple­ment ISO by zahnen for your company

In the first step, we sit down toge­ther and go through your stan­dard speci­fi­ca­tions and wishes in detail. Thanks to our Zahnen Water Engi­nee­ring Perfor­mance, inclu­ding know­ledge of all important EU envi­ron­mental regu­la­tions, we can opti­mally define the indi­vi­dual stan­dard for your plant. This is how you benefit from Consul­ting by zahnen.

Now comes the important digi­ti­sa­tion step, in which the ISO by Zahnen team trans­fers the indi­vi­dual customer stan­dard into the ISO plat­form.

The next step is profes­sional trai­ning for the plant opera­tors and, optio­nally, for the engi­nee­ring offices and plant cons­truc­tors by the Academy by zahnen.

Your advan­tages at a glance

In the future, you will be able to access your digi­ta­lised plant stan­dard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and conti­nuously develop it further. This gives ever­yone involved maximum plan­ning security.

For plant opera­tors this means

  • signi­fi­cant cost reduction

  • shorter project runtimes

  • simpli­fied opera­tion of the plants due to a high degree of standardisation

  • higher opera­tional reliability

For engi­nee­ring offices this means

  • more effi­cient crea­tion of tenders (FIDIC Redbook)

  • use of data from preli­mi­nary plan­ning to gene­rate tender documents

  • increased quality of tender documents

  • guaran­teed consis­tency of the client’s standard

For plant manu­fac­tu­rers this means

  • clearly defined specifications

  • shor­tened engi­nee­ring times

  • avoid­ance of errors

  • provi­sion of water know-how for non-water plant engineers

Consis­tency of the stan­dard “Ever­yone speaks the same language”
This is the digi­ta­li­sa­tion idea in its purest form, which impres­si­vely shows how digital inno­va­tions can maxi­mise the quality of life for people and the environment.