Dual study

for Indus­trial Engineering

  • with a focus on chemistry and process engineering
  • with a focus on elec­trical engineering

for Mecha­nical Engineering
for Elec­trical Engineering

What is a dual study program?

  • The dual study program involves parallel voca­tional trai­ning along­side studies at a university.

  • The students conclude an appren­ti­ce­ship contract with us and under­take to complete appren­ti­ce­ship at our company during the lecture-free period.

  • Students receive a monthly allo­wance spread over the entire dura­tion of their time of training.

  • A high level of moti­va­tion is a requirement.

Advan­tage: dual studies

  • Voca­tional trai­ning forms a “secure” basis for further development

  • Finan­cial basis, no need for part-time work to finance studies

  • Prac­tical orien­ta­tion instead of theory cramming

  • Improved career opportunities

Proce­dure at the company and university

  • 1st year: In-company appren­ti­ce­ship inclu­ding voca­tional school instruction

  • 2nd year: Studies at Trier Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (winter semester)
    From this point on, there are no classes at the voca­tional school

  • During the lecture-free period, there are further parts of the in-company trai­ning as well as the IHK inter­me­diate exami­na­tion. The IHK final exami­na­tion takes place at the begin­ning of the fourth year or the fifth semester of univer­sity studies.

  • Special prac­tical rele­vance: imple­men­ta­tion of study projects, prac­tical and bachelor thesis in the trai­ning company

  • After the total trai­ning period, students have two degrees:

    Elec­tro­nics Tech­ni­cian for indus­trial engi­nee­ring, cons­truc­tion mechanic, etc. (depen­ding on the course of study)
    Bachelor of Engi­nee­ring (B. Eng.)

If you would like to work actively in our team, we look forward to recei­ving your application.

Please send us your appli­ca­tion docu­ments to

Zahnen Technik GmbH
Bahn­hofstr. 24
54687 Arzfeld

or prefer­ably by email to: zukunft@zahnen-technik.de.

Our dual students in Elec­trical Engineering:

Simon Backes

Jonas Pick

Nils Heinzen

Our dual students in the field of Mecha­nical Engineering:

Niklas Schoden

Leon­hard Herres

Simon Urbanus

Moritz Bodden

David Mombach

Johannes Baur

Our dual students in Indus­trial Engineering:

Chris­toph Sepp
(with a focus on chemistry and process engineering)

Jan Meyer
(with a focus on elec­trical engineering)

If you would like to complete a dual study program at Zahnen Technik, simply contact us directly.

Your contact

Sabine Zahnen