Combi­na­tion appren­ti­ce­ship in elec­trical or metal department

Appren­ti­ce­ship by Zahnen Technik means that we offer a special trai­ning path, the so-called combined appren­ti­ce­ship, in addi­tion to the classic appren­ti­ce­ship. As a company with a mission to protect water and resources, we will need experts more than ever in the future to achieve our corpo­rate goals. We train these experts ourselves: in our combined appren­ti­ce­ship. This is a real alter­na­tive to univer­sity studies, as it combines theory and prac­tice in an optimal way.

We offer combined trai­ning in two diffe­rent specia­list areas, in which two appren­ti­ce­ship courses are given one after the other within 5 or 6 years (with a corre­spon­ding shor­tening of the respec­tive time period):

What does combined appren­ti­ce­ship in the elec­trical depart­ment mean?


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What does combined appren­ti­ce­ship in the metal depart­ment mean?


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What are the advan­tages of combined apprenticeship?

What are the requirements?

From the combi­na­tion of the two appren­ti­ce­ships, with manual skills and digital trans­for­ma­tion, you will gain expert know­ledge and receive a guarantee of employ­ment after passing the trai­ning period.

During the final phase of your appren­ti­ce­ship, we will work with you to plan your future career in our company

If you would like to work actively in our team, we look forward to recei­ving your application.

Please send us your appli­ca­tion docu­ments to

Zahnen Technik GmbH
Bahn­hofstr. 24
54687 Arzfeld

or prefer­ably by email to:

Our appren­tices for Combi­na­tion appren­ti­ce­ship in elek­trical or metal department:

Florian Schwaller